Derek De Solla Price Memorial Medal

The awarding ceremony of the Derek de Solla Price Memorial Medal has become an essential part of the programme of ISSI conferences since the foundation of the Society in 1993. The Price Medal was conceived and launched by Tibor Braun, founder and Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Scientometrics, and is periodically awarded by the journal to scientists with outstanding contributions to the fields of quantitative studies of science. The journal Scientometrics is an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, communication in science and science policy co-published by AkadémiaiKiadó, Budapest, and Springer, Dordrecht.

The previous awardees of the DPMA are:

1984 E. Garfield

1985 H.J. Moravcsik

1986 T. Braun

1987 H. Small, V. V. Nalimov

1988 F. Narin

1989 J. Vlachy, B.C. Brookes

1993 A. Schubert

1995 R. K. Merton, A. F. J. van Raan

1997 B.C. Griffith, J. Irvine & B. R. Martin

1999 W. Glänzel, H. F. Moed

2001 L. Egghe, R. Rousseau

2003 LoetLeydesdorff

2005 P. Ingwersen, H. D. White

2007 Katherine W. McCain

2009 P. Vinkler, M. Zit

2011 OllePersson

2013 Blaise Cronin

2015 Mike Thelwall